🤖 Volatility 2 – Windows | Cheatsheet

Below is a list of the most frequently used modules and commands in Volatility 2

System Information

Image info

volatility -f /path/image imageinfo
volatility -f <image> kdbgscan


volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> envars | grep -o -E 'COMPUTERNAME .*' | sort -u


volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> hashdump

Show registers

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> hivescan
List roots :
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> hivelist 
List roots and get initial subkeys :
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> printkey 
List key’s values :
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> printkey -K "<key-path>"

System activity

Find executed commands

Display process command-line arguments :
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> cmdline
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> cmdline -p <PID>
Extract command history :
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> cmdscan
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> consoles

Commands entered in cmd.exe are processed by conhost.exe (csrss.exe before Windows 7). So even if an attacker has managed to kill cmd.exe before we get a memory dump, there’s still a chance of recovering the command line history from conhost.exe’s memory. If you find something odd, try dumping the memory of the process associated with conhost.exe and look for strings inside to extract the command lines

List services

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> svcscan

User activity


volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> clipboard

Executed programs


volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> userassist


volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> mftparser | grep \.pf$


volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> screenshot


volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> handles -t File | grep -E '\\Device\\(LanmanRedirector|Mup)'

Processes / Programs

List processes

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> pslist
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> psscan
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> pstree

Find hidden processes with various process listings

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> psxview

Dump a process as an executable file sample

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> procdump -p <PID> ‑‑dump-dir "/output/path"

Extract the handles of a process

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> handles ‑p <PID>

A handle is a structure that lets you define an object (file, socket, pipe, shared memory area, etc. ) and then manipulate it. Handles can be shared by several processes.

Extract memory mapped and cached file of a process

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> dumpfiles -p <PID> ‑‑dump-dir "/output/path"

Extract DLLs loaded by a process

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> dlllist -p <PID> 
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> dlldump -p <PID> ‑‑dump-dir "/output/path"

Dump the addressable memory for a process

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> memdump -p <PID> ‑‑dump-dir "/output/path"


Show network connections

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> netscan
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> netstat

XP/2003 :

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> connscan
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> connections
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> sockscan
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> sockets


List memory mapped and cached files

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> filescan

Extract memory mapped and cached files

All files found :
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> dumpfiles
All files associated to a process :
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> dumpfiles -p <PID>
One file from its memory offset :
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> dumpfiles -Q <offset>

Malware analysis

Find hidden and injected code

(PID, process name, address, VAD tags, hexdump, and shellcode)

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> malfind


volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> yarascan  -y "/path/to/rules.yar"

API Hooks

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> apihooks -p <PID>
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> apihooks -p <PID> | grep -oE 'Function:.*|Hook address:.*|\**'

Hook analysis :

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> volshell -p <PID> 
>>> dis(<hook-address>, length=512)
echo "dis(<hook-address>, length=512)" | volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> volshell -p <PID> 2> /dev/null | sed 's/^[>]*\s*0x\([abcdef0-9]*\s*\)\{2\}//g' | head -n -1

Display SSDT entries

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> ssdt

Extract secrets

Dumps passwords hashes (LM/NTLM) from memory (x86 only)

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> hashdump

Dump (decrypted) LSA secrets from the registry

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> lsadump

Extract RSA private keys and certificates

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> dumpcerts

Dumps cached domain hashes from memory

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> cachedump

Recover cached TrueCrypt secrets

volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> truecryptmaster
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> truecryptpassphrase
volatility -f "/path/to/image" --profile <profile> truecryptsummary

String search

strings -n <min-string-size> <binary>
