| Love.cpp
| Love.h
| pch.h
| pch.cpp
| framework.h
// Love.h - Function to handle love request
#pragma once
//Visual Studio defines <PROJECTNAME>_EXPORTS when your MathLibrary DLL project is built.
#define LOVE_API __declspec(dllexport) //tells the compiler and linker to export a function or variable from the DLL for use by other applications
#define LOVE_API __declspec(dllimport) //optimizes the import of the function or variable in an application
extern "C" LOVE_API const char* StoreLove(const char* b64);
extern "C" LOVE_API const char* GetLove(const int number);
// Love.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL.
#include "pch.h" // use stdafx.h in Visual Studio 2017 and earlier
#include "Love.h"
#include <iostream>
// DLL internal state variables:
static unsigned int count = 500;
const char* StoreLove(const char* b64) {
return "Your love is safe !";
const char* GetLove(const int number) {
const char* UwU = "<3";
return UwU;